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Welcome to our students and students and wish them a beautiful academic year. We are happy to find the positive interaction of all schools in implementing the traffic bag and send the participation of each school with the pictures to the site to benefit the benefit. At the same time we create a kind of honest and positive competition between schools. Efforts between the Ministry of Education and the Traffic Safety Committee will see, God willing, a positive change in terms of traffic behavior and this is the goal for which we all work. createkrēˈāt تعريفات create فعل bring (something) into existence. he created a thirty-acre lake مرادفات: produce, generate, bring into being, make, fabricate, fashion, build, construct, design, devise, originate, frame, develop, shape, form, forge; establish, found, initiate, institute, constitute, inaugurate, launch, set up, form, organize, develop انظر أيضًا to create, create jobs, re-create, create a disturbance, create a sensation ترجمات create فعل خلق create, make, inspire, differentiate أبدع create, originate أحدث breed, create, bring, brew, hatch, provoke أنتج produce, output, result, make, create, generate ابتدع create, innovate, fabricate تألف create, form, unite, combine عين specify, appoint, assign, designate, post, create سبق إلى تمثيل create لفق fake, fudge, invent, fabricate, make up, create كان أول من يمثل كذا create

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